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Gluta C Intense Whitening Lotion


Extreme Whitening Action gluta c lotion is a complex whitening agent with Glutathione and root extracts work together to reduce minor blemishes, uneven skin tone, age spots and intensely whitens the skin.



Gluta C lotion Injense whitening

Extreme Whitening Action gluta c lotion is a complex whitening agent with Glutathione and root extracts work together to reduce minor blemishes, uneven skin tone, age spots and intensely whitens the skin. Anti-aging Treatment Anti-oxidant Glutathione together with Vitamin A, C and E prevent skin damage due to environmental stress and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

Anti-aging Treatment gluta c lotion Anti-oxidant Glutathione together with Vitamin A, C and E prevent skin damage due to environmental stress and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

Advanced Skin Nourishment Vitamin C and Shea Butter deeply hydrate and moisturize to help reduce the signs of premature aging such as skin dullness, dryness and age spots.

Effective Sun Protection SPF 25 protects the skin 25 times better from harmful UVA/UVB rays. The double whitening activity takes place by reducing skin pigmentation from the inside while providing an outside invisible sun’s harmful cover from the rays.

Product Benefits

Glycostech – Quick and effective penetration of the skin using French patented technology.
Its non-greasy formulation gives that quick drying and non-oily feel.
To achieve optimal whitening results use the complete Gluta-C Intense Whitening product range. With Gluta-C Intense Whitening Body Moisturizer, you can have smoother, whiter, more radiant skin.


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