Skin whitening tablets Gluta1 by Nexus Pharma which has 100mg of Glutathione is the most effective tabs as it has 100 tablets that need to be consumed thrice a day. Most of the glutathione products recently has emerged to be an effective measure to make once skin tone light and fairer, hence Korean brand has been gaining a tremendous success by its popular brand Nexus Pharma which also produce skin whitening iv sets too so for those people who finds it difficult to opt an injection the company has launched this new skin whitening formula which is based on tablets and works very well on any kind of skin.
Made in Origin Country: Korea
Recommended Dosage:
Daily 2 Capsules Morning & Night
For better result contact your Doctor
Not Suitable For:
– Breast feeder.
– Allergy to vitamin (any kind).
– Pregnant woman
– Patient with cardiovascular problem
** The result depends on individual metabolism
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