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Bio Rae Complexion 12 with RNA+EGF


Bio-Rae Complexion 12 Skin Whitening System can help you to solve and prevent most of all your skin problems quickly & efficiently. Complexion 10 Skin Whitening System useful for skin whitening, skin smoothing, anti-aging, acne prevention, firming skin, pigmentation prevention, and many many more of other benefits of all.

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Complexion 12 Skin Whitening System is all you need to have a completely flawless and whiter fair skin. A smoother, clearer, flawless, younger, and whiter skin within, from inside-out. It contains a complete whitening ingredient that provides you the FASTEST whitening effect.

Now, a fairer and whiter, pimple and acne free complexion can be yours!!!

Get these GREAT products now for your benefit of beauty and fairer skin! You can see and feel the difference for 1 set treatment of Complexion 12.

Whiten Skin and Lighten Scar Smooth Skin, Brighten and provide nutrients for the skin Enhance the Elasticity Of Skin, Lighten Pigmentation Resulted From Exposed Sunlight, Suppresses the formation of acne blemish pimples, Stimulate Collagen Formation Anti Black Spot Pigmentation Freckles Firm smooth and soften skin, Skin Renewal Improve Fine Lines Inhibit Production Of Melanin (Brown Pigment), Moisture and hydrate skin Minimize pores and improves skin complexion, Anti-Aging undercover twitch due to aging Improves Skin Complexion Antioxidants

Made in Origin Country: Korea

Recommended Dosage:

Intravenous IV Infusion (Drip) Once a week.

For better result contact your Doctor

Not Suitable For:

– Breast feeder.

– Allergy to vitamin (any kind).

– Pregnant woman

– Patient with cardiovascular problem

** The result depends on individual metabolism

What’s the variation within a milligram (mg), microgram (mcg), and an International Unit (IU)? While the metric order, 

1000 milligrams (mg) is a unit of volume equal to 1 gram

1000 micrograms (mcg) is equal to 1 milligram (mg)

1 IU is the organic equivalent of 0.025 mcg

Cholecalciferol or Ergocalciferol.


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